More than just another ministry, Small Groups are where we are truly the church — meeting regularly, praying for and with each other, being challenged and encouraged through the Word, opening our hearts and minds to those different from us, being vulnerable with one another, doing life together.

We are created for connection!

When God created humans, we were created as social beings (Gen. 2:18), meant to share in relationship with the world, other humans, and with God. Within the church, God has given different gifts to different individuals, all with the purpose of building up the church, but also pointing to the inherent need that we all have for one another. This is not a weakness or a deficiency. Life together is a gift from God.

Small Groups at Seymour Church

There are lots of different ways that Small Groups happen at Seymour. Generally, Small Groups meet either bi-weekly or monthly. Some meet at the church, many meet at members’ homes. Some gather around a particular interest or stage of life. Others are more open-ended. In all cases, the goal of Small Groups is to grow together as the Body of Christ.

How do I join a small group?

Step 1:

Click on the “Join Now!” button below to view available small group options.

Step 2:

Click on the “Join Now!” button below to view available small group options.Choose a Group that works with your schedule and fits your life stage/interests. If there is no open Group that fits your schedule or needs, please send us an email at to let us know!Click on the “Join Now!” button below to view available small group options.

Step 3:

Contact the Small Group leader via their email address or by using the online form (click the “Join this Group” button). The Small Group leader will contact you in a few days.