It is our goal to create meaningful opportunities to provide connection and encouragement for college-age and young adults.

Seymour Young Adult Fellowship

Our young adult fellowship meets from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm on the first Sunday of the month. Join us as we grow together closer to Christ through worship, prayer, community, and God’s Word. Dinner is provided! Email for more information.

Other Fellowship Events
Young Adult Bowling Party at Clique Lanes
Young Adult Cookout
Starbucks Coffee Drop at Calvin University
Young Adult Movie Night

Join a small group.

We were created for connection and small groups are the perfect environment to experience meaningful sense of connection and belonging. It is also in the context of a small group that we find ourselves being challenged and encouraged by one another, opening our hearts and minds to those different from us, being vulnerable with one another, doing life together.

Registration Form

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